Tuesday, May 28, 2013

holllllaaaaa :)‏

Hola Mi Familia!
WELL im not going to lie.. after hearing what happened at home I had a heart attack.. DAD I hope you are ok and that everything gets figured out!!! Don't SCARE us all like that!!! I'm so glad that everything is ok and that you are doing ok!!
First off THANK YOU to EVERYONE who is writing me and emailing me! you all are so special.
I think last week was one of the HARDEST yet best week of my mission. 
Hermana Rife and I have been working like crazy ladies! We have soo much to do! Our area has so many people who are ready and prepared to be baptized.
We had exchanges this week. I went to the Woodlands for 24 hours. It was so much fun! The Woodlands are BEAUTIFUL! I met some amazing people that day! I was with Hermana Glauser and we were talking about how much bugs and animals scare us. No lie 3 mins later a HUGE beetle flies in to my hair.. ya'll know me..... I start jumping and screaming. I bend over and start shaking my head and Hermana Glauser is trying to get the bug out. Then out of no where this NASTY dog comes and started licking my face and eating my hair.. oh man it was BAD!!!!! After the bug came out and the dog left I stood up and fixed my hair. We both look over and this guy who looks JUST like Snoop Dog is laughing SO hard.. so we walked over asked him a few questions and taught him about the Plan of Salvation. He probably thought we were CRAZY!.... its was a fun experience.
So Hermana Rife and I have a car.... but on THURSDAY we hit 280 miles we only get 300 for the week. so we were kinda freaking out. So all day Friday we walked and talked with people around town. It was really nice to walk and just enjoy being in Texas... (besides the bugs YUCK!) then Saturday we had appointments and we were trying to get members to come with us so that they could drive us.. yeah... no that didn't happen.. so guess what? We road our bikes... it was like 90+ degrees and so humid and at the end of the day we looked SO gross. We were so tired all we could do is laugh. We ended up riding around 16 miles that day. It was pretty intense.
Our Miracle family is doing amazing!! We committed them to be baptized and they accepted. We are just trying to figure out a date now, so I'm so excited for that!!! We also have 2 more in investigators who are REALLY close to baptism.... like we are going to ask them TODAY if they will be baptized June 29th!! so FAMILY please pray for these peeps!! Satan works so hard on them. I never really knew how REAL Satan was until this week. We have had some pretty scary experiences. The Elders told us that Satan is going to work on whoever he can to... to get these people to not be baptized.. so that means he works on their families, them, us missionaries everyone. I am so grateful for the priesthood and the power its has. I have never been so scared in my life but after a simple prayer by one of the Elders I felt so much peace. 
Prayer is so powerful. 

I hope everyone is doing amazing! I love you all and I pray for you every day. 


Te Querio!!! - I love you
Hermana Crandall
Ps What's Clayci's email?? 

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